Connect Occupational Therapy

Rachel McFedries

Occupational Therapy

We help families feel and do their best, by using a sensory-based approach. Serving both parents and children online and in person (Otautahi/Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand), we provide parent consults, online education, and individual paediatric occupational therapy.

We help families to:

  • develop a "sensory lifestyle", so that both parents and children can feel and do their best

  • overcome auditory sensitivity and regulate nervous systems by using The Safe and Sound Protocol

  • learn ways to help to their kids play independently, get regulating sensory input, and successfully manage screen time with our course The In-Tune Parent

  • address specific concerns to do with motor development, sensory processing differences (SPD), developmental delay, anxiety, self care skills, and behavioural concerns, with in-person paediatric therapy

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